What are the benefits of using an experienced AV company?

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What are the benefits of using an experienced AV company?

If you’re looking to take your customer experience to the next level, a professional audio-visual system, commonly known as an AV system, could be the solution.

In this article, we’ll cover some of the key things to consider when looking at AV companies to deliver your vision.

But first things first…

What is an AV company?

An AV company delivers audio-visual solutions to bring to life any aspect of a brand. That could be as simple as subtle background audio in a retail space, to eye-catching digital signage, or immersive projection mapping.

They work with the products that probably come to mind when someone says ‘AV’, such as audio systems, effect lighting and large screens. But the best companies know their way around other solutions too, like WiFi & telecoms, smart cards and even access control.

But what makes an experienced AV company stand out?

Two wall mounted cabinet loudspeakers in a blue lit room as part of an AV installation

AV design

The best AV companies in the UK work with you rather than for you. They bring your ideas to life, advise on possible alternative solutions you might not have thought of, and use their experience to get you the best result for your budget. An experienced team will also know the ins and outs of all types of spaces, materials and environments.

Getting them involved from the design or even conceptual stage makes AV an integral part of the experience at your venue. Instead of making a space rely on retrofitted audio equipment and lighting, make it part of the construction so the whole room works together to create an incredible member experience.

Bespoke AV solutions

An up-market retail space with a bright AV lighting system.

Truly talented AV companies know how to integrate audio and visual equipment with other tech. That could come in the form of automated virtual content delivered to a video wall, which can switch to a functional video conferencing system at the touch of a button. Or interactive digital signage that syncs with an access control system to show occupancy levels at a hotel pool. You could even have a wearable wristband at a resort that allows guests to pay for activities at the swipe of their wrist through partnered CMS (customer management system) and security software.

When it comes to integrated AV, the opportunities are almost endless. An experienced AV team could even have an in-house Research & Development team to ensure they can bring even the most innovative ideas to life for their clients.

If you have an ‘out-there’ idea don’t be afraid to leap! Ask us for something no one has ever done before – we bet we can make it happen.

Make it happen 

Blue optical lighting in a dark room as part of an AV system

Project Management

Any project, no matter how simple or complex requires some level of project management. Great AV companies will have a dedicated project management team that provides end-to-end support, to ensure the installation runs seamlessly.

The team will also liaise with any other construction contractors to make sure they can be as efficient as possible when on site, and not be in the way of other progress.

Having a dedicated project management team also means that you as the customer have a single point of contact in the company that you can get to know and trust throughout the build.

A restaurant with a discrete AV solution. People sitting at tables, some working on laptops, others relaxing. Bar in the backgroundSite surveys

Thorough site surveys allow AV companies to capture all aspects of a space. The more complex the project, the more areas of the property will be impacted. Prior knowledge of existing electrical cables, wall and ceiling materials, and where any structural pillars can avoid costly surprises.

These detailed site surveys also help AV Sales teams deliver accurate quotations, helping you with budget planning from the get-go.

In-house pre-build and testing

AV companies that go the extra mile will prebuild and test any complex solution at their headquarters or warehouse to ensure the on-site installation goes smoothly. This minimises costly snagging issues that could severely push back the completion date.

In-house AV installation engineersThree AV engineers standing at an AV installation To ensure control of a project from concept to delivery means great AV companies don’t rely on sub-contractors to install their solutions; they have a dedicated team of AV installation engineers in-house.

This allows them to schedule AV projects around your timetable, ensuring the right skills are on site at the right time, and use their specific experience to stay on track. It also allows them to have total control over the quality of the solution delivered, makes the quote more reliable and means you only need to talk business with one team.

Best-in-class AV systems

Being in the game for a long time means most experienced AV companies have built relationships with leading brands. At Hutchison Technologies, for instance, we’ve been a Bose Pro partner for over a decade. That means we’re trusted by Bose to install their products just like  a Bose engineer would, and have constant access to stock and official spare parts. Having the trust and access to these industry leading products lets AV companies like us deliver premium solutions at your venue.

We know that seeing is believing when it comes to putting your trust in an AV company. Check out how we’ve helped many companies like yours make their spaces more wow.

Case studies


On completion of a project, you want to be able to walk into your shiny new space and get your new system working for you and your customers as soon as possible.

AV systems can come in all levels of complexity, but even the simplest require some degree of know-how to operate correctly. Great AV companies take time with your teams to ensure everyone is comfortable using the new system. This lets you get right to delivering great customer experiences, using your new AV system to its full capacity.

At Hutchison Technologies, we pride ourselves on our bespoke control interfaces, which typically come in the form of a simple to use app on a tablet. It not only makes training your staff easier for our engineers, but makes day-to-day operation of your new system user friendly.

Dedicated aftercare

An AV company Helpdesk phoneSo, you have your newly fitted AV solution, and you’ve been running it non-stop for months, even years. What happens when something stops working?

Dedicated aftercare is a must when comes to any tech service and AV is no different. Any great AV company will have in-house maintenance techs ready to call out whenever required, or even remote access support where possible, so you can get up and running again in no time.

At Hutchison Technologies, we truly understand the importance of a well-run and fully functional facility. That is why we hold ourselves to the highest standards when it comes to ongoing support. Just ask our friendly Sales team and we’ll make sure to find the best maintenance package to suits your requirements.



So, there you have it, there are many benefits of choosing an experienced company like us at Hutchison Technologies for your next AV project. We pride ourselves on being far more than just an audio-visual equipment supplier. What we bring to the table is innovative design, inspiring ideas, and tailored solutions – all brought to life with best-in-class equipment.

Regardless of scale and budget, we love working with our clients on any AV project. Get in touch today, we’re probably as excited as you are to make your vision a reality.

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