Why you should check up on your access control gates

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Why you should check up on your access control gates

For many facilities, access control gates are the first touchpoint of the visitor, member or employee experience. They might encounter a security check at reception, to enter various departments or facilities, and many more on their journey across your facility.

A regular check-up on all your access points and the software that supports it all will make sure you offer the
best experience you can. In this article, we’ll touch on:

  • Gate Timing
  • Supporting Software
  • Access Hardware
  • Safety Precautions

man and woman walkign through access control gates

Gate Timing

The transition from ‘pass scan’ to ‘walk through' should be a smooth experience. Waiting too long for the doors to open disturbs the walking rhythm of the user. Waiting too long for doors to close compromises security. So what's the right timing?

We tend to recommend that access control gates trigger to unlock for 2-4 seconds, with sensors within the pillars registering whether someone has passed. DDA and wide load access gates may need to remain open for longer, in order to facilitate the passage of larger goods and wheelchairs.

To ease the flow of pedestrians, the delay between pass scan and door opening should not be longer than half a second for high volume entrances, or 1 second for lower volume or long-lane entrances.

Timing can be tailored for each individual gate, and heavily varies from type to type so speak to your access control partner to ensure yours are optimised.

networking cables

Supporting Software

Your access and security are all managed in the backend, with networking speeds deciding how fast information can be pulled from your system in order to grant or deny access.

Your supporting software will have a record of everyone coming in and out of your facility, which will be vital for safety reasons, as well as granting you valuable data about rush hours and quiet times. It will also be responsible for how easy it is to create guest entry passes and the security level for each individual one.

Your access management software can be linked to multiple access control gates across the building, each with differing levels of clearance. That way you don’t need staff manning every access point, but rather keep control from a central safe location.

Your networking provider will be able to advise on what system and backend will best suit your needs. Alternatively, you can download our free Access Control Buying Guide for a detailed overview of what’s available to you.

man entering high security building

Access Hardware

You might have access control gates in place right now, but are you sure it’s the right type of control you need for your space?

Sometimes, it’s worth refamiliarising yourself with the various options available in the market to reconfirm your installed solution is the best for the situation. Everyone Active Westway decided to upgrade their access point because a change in circumstances meant the access control gates they had installed were no longer fit for purpose.

Another point of regular review should be your access granting materials. Whether you are using smart cards, fobs, mobile phones, NFC tokens or biometric security; it’s worth checking your access points and the required entry passes to make sure you’re leaving no gaps when it comes to your access security.

emergency exit

Safety Precautions

Your access control gates will need to have some safety precautions. Luckily, most modern products have these built in as standard and can be further enhanced through linking with the supporting security software systems.

Fire alarms and other emergency procedures in your building will need to ensure everyone inside the building can quickly and safely evacuate even if they don’t have their entry pass with them.

It’s worth checking up on your access control gates to make sure any old systems are compliant with new requirements, and new systems are fully integrated with the rest of the building.

People counting systems can also be installed to ensure that facilities don’t overrun their max capacity, particularly useful for car parks and event venues like football stadiums and concert arenas.

Understanding how your access security systems work will help you sculpt a better journey for your clients, members, employees or visitors. Working with reputable access and security experts can help drastically improve the member journey, and save you many headaches in the process.

If you’re looking for support, the Hutchison Technologies team are your go-to for all things access control. We have over 30 years of experience installing, integrating and maintaining a huge array of access systems, from car park barriers to pedestrian speed lane gates. We are also able to deliver a large selection of access materials such as smart cards, wearables and mobile NFC entry systems, as well as the backend software to support your access control systems. Just ask the team for more information.

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